At Netrouting, we take network abuse seriously and are committed to resolving issues promptly and effectively. If you encounter any form of network abuse originating from our infrastructure, please submit a formal report to Netrouting’s Abuse Department. This guide outlines the necessary steps and requirements to ensure your report is processed efficiently.

Please note that only valid reports submitted in accordance with the instructions below will be processed. An automated processing system ensures that valid reports are timely processed.

Report Submission Requirements

To ensure the timely and accurate handling of abuse reports, we require the following details:

Reports that do not meet these requirements will not be processed and will be automatically discarded.

Reporting Process

Once a valid abuse report is received, Netrouting will take the following actions:

  1. Review and Forward: The report will be reviewed and forwarded to the responsible Netrouting customer or partner for resolution.
  2. Customer Compliance: The customer is required to respond and take corrective action within 48 hours, as outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy.
  3. Failure to Comply: If the customer fails to comply within the specified timeframe, Netrouting reserves the right to take further action, including null-routing (blackholing) the reported IP address to prevent further abuse.

Submitting Your Report

Once your abuse report is complete and meets all the outlined requirements, please submit it to the following email address:

Netrouting will promptly acknowledge receipt of your report and begin the investigation process.

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